The Jubilee Symphony Orchestra strives to provide musical offerings with artistic excellence and a Christian worldview, by bringing together musicians from all denominations and building a strong sense of fellowship within our community of London. Therefore, we meet as a group of specialists in classical music to prepare and present excellent performances of the music God has provided us – both ‘secular’ and ‘religious’ – in order to inspire and lead effective praise and worship.

  • We welcome all competent musicians, whose trust in God is real as well as those who are seeking His grace and forgiveness, to become passionate members and participants of the JSO.
  • We explore all opportunities throughout London to serve and partner with those who wish to share the Gospel of Christ through concert performance, special services, worship materials, and praise gatherings.
  • Our music is well-prepared, challenging, familiar, as well as stimulating.
  • We serve the needs of each performer, church and municipality, who in turn strive to serve believers, disciples and seekers.
Thank you for considering the Jubilee Symphony Orchestra as a serious outlet for both your musical gifts and spiritual expression.